Saturday, September 17, 2011

Stop Motion Animation Storytelling

A piece I wrote recently about motivating and encouraging boy writers with stop motion animation has been published by Creative Educator Magazine in a feature article.

Here's a direct link:  Creative Educator Magazine.

During the last school year, I experienced success in motivating boy writers with the use of stop motion animation storytelling.

There is something magical about how imagination, a story, and technology can all come together to provide an engaging learning experience. In fact, just yesterday I continued to use stop motion animation storytelling as a motivator for a group of five boys at one of our school locations.


  1. congratulations! that's terrific. as a teacher at an all-boys school, i follow your blog to help me motivate my students. thanks!

  2. Hi Kelly,

    Thanks for following along. I think it is great that you teach in an all-boys school.

    I'd sure like to know how the writing is going with your boys!

